Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blogs Is Just Good Business

Skip Bayless, a client and colleague of Gnosis Arts, talks about his explorations into blogging. He gives us a nice mention, too! Thanks, Skip!
clipped from
How blogging is changing business

One of my business partners has been utilizing blogs to help manage his reputation and client base.I really didn't realize how popular blogging had become.

Obviously,I'm a bit late to the game, because I'm not as interested in web technology as he is. Also, he owns an online marketing firm and is an SEO consultant, so he's more in the know. He's really the one who introduced me to Moodle. I'm looking forward to learning about blogging.

 blog it

1 comment:

by Gnosis Arts Multimedia said...

Good point Alistair. Thanks for the comment.