We have confirmed it: social media sites have poor ROI. That is not tosy that you won't generate any business from them. But we're talking about the ratio of time, labor and money to revenue generated. You have to lwys keep that in mind.
You have to spend so much time on them, and the return is still so random, sketchy. Not reliable enough to really put as a priority.
We have been regulars on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. We have gotten no new business from either Twitter or Facebook. LinkedIn has fared better; we've managed to capture a few clients through LinkedIn, but it's been an awful lot of man hours in the making.
So, our conclusion is still the same. If you are putting together an Internet marketing or SEO plan, you should focus the bulk of your time nd money into AdWords and freelance sites like ELance. Also worthy of significant attention are local directories where you can advertise your products and services. We have found that these three types of sites deliver the highest ROI, still.
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