Monday, June 15, 2009

More on Facebook Advertising

Oy vey! I don't know, I just don't know. We're running a Facebook Ad for one of our business services, and I just don't know if it's worth it. The ad has only been running about a week. We've gotten a few clicks. But as the campaign rolls along, it is still unclear as to whether there's any real benefit to it.

First off, the analytics needs some serious overhauling. I can't find detailed information on really ... well ... anything. They don't tell me who clicked the ads, or where they came from, or what the referrer URL is or which keyword was searched... None of this!

The Times published an article in December basically stating that Facebook advertising doesn't work for many brands. I'm starting to think that assessment may be correct.

What has been your experience with Facebook ads? Inquirng minds want to know.

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