Which do you prefer: Having a ton of social media followers, but little or no engagement, or fewer, active followers with higher engagement levels?
I think that the latter is preferable if you want to improve sales or marketing efforts. If you prefer sheer numbers, then you probably reason that, if I have a large enough follower base, the engagement will follow.
But I'm not so sure this is the case. On Twitter, for example, we manage client business accounts that get more engagement and poduce more sales with 500 followers than accounts that have thousands of followers.
In online marketing, quantity is rarely, if ever, a substitute for quality. We've seen PPC campaigns generate close to a million impressions but deliver not a single conversion.
*Is Quality Content Really That Important?
Well, pretty much. But we need to clarify what is meant by "quality" content. Having a philosophy background, I tend (erroneously) to think of "Quality" in the "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" way. That is, quality is some objective, ideal or Platonic Form existing "out there" somewhere, which everyone is just waiting to behold.
But we're not deaing with Philosophy, we're dealing with Marketing. In marketing, it appears that "quality" simply means: what your followers want. You have to give them the content THEY want, not the content you THINK they want.
Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook can make great tools for client relations. But we must remember that you have to have engagement in order to have client relations. You have to have engagement in order to have sales. You have to have engagement in order to have customer service or reputation management or relationship marketing.
I think everyone would agree that Social Media Marketing isn't for everyone, but the bigger question, How do you even market a boring business, OR are they ways to stand out, and break From the Pack of Commodity
That's a great question, singhkanyal. We think that whether it's a boring business or not, one key to successful social media marketing is one-to-one engagement.
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